Friday, December 7, 2018

Gluten Free oregano!

I made a delicious Pozole yesterday, and was amused to see that my oregano was labeled "Gluten Free" - I was unaware that the drying and cutting process might have involved wheat.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Gluten Free Milk

Be sure to check your milk for gluten /s

I got a kick out of the product name "Dairy Pure", which would indicate that "Only Milk" is in the bottle. So, is the implication is that other milk jugs have wheat?

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Misleading food labeling

One of my biggest pet peeves as of late is the "Gluten-Free" craze. I totally understand the need for these foods, and I understand the implications for people with celiac disease, however, some of these labels are just plain silly.

As I spot them, I will post them for posterity.

Today's honor of "Gluten-Free WTF" goes to "Real Sliced Potatoes" from Kettle Brand
This morning, I enjoyed some real, Certified Gluten-Free potato chips. That makes me feel good, because I have an aversion for potato-glutens¡ Since this is a new blog, I'll point out that my use of the ¡ indicates sarcasm.

Next time I find some gluten-free water, I'll be sure to share it, keep tuned!